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Table of Content British Dictionary definitions for h (4 of Unofficial Alphabet Lore Wiki Henry the Navigator letter words that start with h In an unstressed syllable, as in "an historian", but use of a is now more usual (see English articles § Indefinite article). In English, The pronunciation of ⟨h⟩ as /h/ can be analyzed as a voiceless vowel. That is, when the phoneme /h/ precedes a vowel, /h/ may be realized as a voiceless version of the subsequent vowel. May be a hypercorrection formed by analogy with the names of the other letters of the alphabet, most of which include the sound they represent. In English the initial h is pronounced in words of Germanic origin (e.g., hunt, hook); in some words of Romance origin, the h remains unpronounced (e.g., heir, honour), but in others it has been restored (e.g., humble, humour). The initial h often disappears in unaccented syllables (e.g., “What did he say?”). In chemistry H is the symbol for the element hydrogen. Britis...